Good Health and Well-Being for life with a innovative cosmetic.

LHOOQ® | ルークは
LHOOQ® で心身ともに整う生活を。

LHOOQ is s Japanese beauty brand as “Ageless, genderless, stressless”, and the concept of LHOOQ® is “Good for Humans, Environment & society”
Natural and highly functional ingredients, soothing natural scent, The minimalistic package incorporated the idea of Zen.Well-being for life with LHOOQ®.

Take good care of your skin


Skin is Clothing that will be with you for the rest of your life and protect us 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It is also the first clothing that people put on.
You are the only person who can take care of your skin. The skin, a smart and delicate organ, is not only protecting you from bacteria, viruses, and dust. It enhances barrier function in response to temperature and calcium. Take care of your skin while being grateful for it, which continues to work for you.

Hair is Clothes


Hair is clothes that protects your head, and hair root is a very important part of your body where immune function hides. Hair grows back, but the hair root cannot be replaced. The key to keep beautiful hair is to take care of your scalp. Let’s condition your scalp along with hair of the clothes we wear throughout the day.