着る薬 / Wearing indigo dye clothes as medicine


Indigo is the most oldest natural pigment in the world. Currently, chemically synthesized indigo is the mainstream, but natural indigo has been recognized to have medicinal properties and is being actively researched in the medical world.

・抗酸化作用・・・ポリフェノール / フラボノイド
・粘膜治癒作用・・・インジゴ / インジルビン
・抗菌 / 抗アトピーアレルギー / 抗がん・・・トリプタンスリン
・抗炎症/ 抗菌作用・・・トリプタンスリン/ケンペロール

・Antioxidant effect…polyphenols/flavonoids
・Mucosal healing effect…Indigo/Indirubin
・Anti-bacterial / anti-atopic allergy / anti-cancer…triptanthrin
・Immune regulating power…Kaempferol
・Anti-inflammatory/antibacterial action…triptanthrin/kaempferol
・Antiviral effect…quercetin/glucuronide

The Birthplace of “Japan Blue”

徳島の藍産業は 18 世紀から 19 世紀にピークとなり、日本を訪れた英国の学者は、その豊かで深い色合いに感銘を受け、「ジャパンブルー」と呼びました。

The majority of Japanese indigo dye is produced today in Tokushima Jpan. Indigo dyeing began in Tokushima over 800 years ago in the Yoshino River basin. The flooding of the river would carry fertile soil to the basin, making it ideal for growing indigo. The river also allowed for the transportation of the finished product.
Tokushima’s indigo dye was especially popular in the 18th and 19th centuries and was used in many household items and clothing. A British scholar who visited Japan in the 19th century was impressed by the rich, deep hue and called it “Japan blue.”